A Message from Our CEO
At Prosperity Wellness Center, we have passion, dedication and commitment. We serve the underserved. Our staff delivers hope. We make and are the difference.
We love this population because some of us are this population. We know what it’s like. Some of us have been down and out before. We know the way out and want to show it to people.
Here at Prosperity, we feel our patients; we hear our patients; we love our patients. And we’re going to continue to love them until they love themselves.
Prosperity is a place of healing for people who are broken, a place for people to allow their faith to be bigger than their fear. Our goal is to help our patients start the healing process and make healthier choices to live in recovery, so they don’t have to die in their addiction.
All life is sacred. And all people deserve quality care, no matter where you are in your disease. If one of us does not rise, none of us rise.
Matt Ehler, Chief Executive Officer & The Prosperity Team